Transferring data from idealpos to Phototicket

Prepare The Map File

Phototicket uses a map file to map fields from an idealpos export.

A map file is a comma seperated values file consisting of two columns.

The first column contains a field name exported by idealpos and the second column contains the matching field name imported by Phototicket.

The first row specifies the fields that will be used as the unique identifier for each product.

The field names that Phototicket can import are:

The field names closely match the names in the Phototicket Product form:

Note that the Phototicket Display Name is set to the same value as Name when a product is first imported. On subsequent imports, the Display Name is only updated if the Update Display Name flag is set. This allows store staff to improve the product name for display on tickets, changing pkt to packet, for example, and not having those improvements overwritten on subsequent imports.

An example map file might look like this:


Automatic exporting

Automatic importing